Finnish Port Operators Association

The Finnish Port Operators Association produces information on the stevedoring sector, is active as a representative body for the sector and develops the sector's working methods and practices, with the aim of continuously improving the operating conditions of its member companies.

Key figures

38 member companies

in 27 different ports

Member companies employ approximately


port foremen


full-time stevedores


temporary stevedores on average


office staff

Satamaoperointiyritykset käsittelevät vuosittain tavaraa yli


miljoonaa tonnia (ilman nestebulkkia).

Annual turnover


million euros

In support of this mission, the Association

  • promotes greater cooperation among its members
  • represents its members in labour market negotiations within the sector
  • concludes agreements for the sector with the labour market organizations and other parties, which are binding on its members
  • monitors general developments and economic trends in the sector and in the economy at large
  • issues information regularly to its members on matters of relevance to the sector
  • provides its members with guidance and advice on issues concerning the sector
  • maintains active contact
    • with the authorities
    • with political decision-makers
    • with Finnish business organizations
    • with other associations in the sector
    • with training and research organizations
    • with the media
    • with similar organizations in other countries and with international and other relevant bodies.

The Association operated under its original name, Suomen Lastauttajain Liitto, before changing it to Satamaoperaattorit ry, Hamnoperatörerna rf in 2003. The Association's English name is the Finnish Port Operators Association.


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